Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Applesauceless Week

Lately the nights have an added sparkle,

like you could, with your smile,

just brighten a whole townhouse.

Clean energy for everyone around you.

Lately I've been dreaming more,

smiling more, laughing more,

existing more, being more.

Believing more that the future carries good things.

I think I can put you to a fault;

blame you, scold you, hold you in court.

You; the one that makes me feel again

right when I thought it was all in vain.

If this is a confession of love right here,

I need to show how much the poet in me

misses what has been his inspiration so far.

Yes, I miss you, and it has been only one week.

I just want to enjoy every moment

of my weakness in falling 

over, and over again,

strongly, what a shame,

for you.

Applesauceless Week

Lately the nights have an added sparkle, like you could, with your smile, just brighten a whole townhouse. Clean energy for everyone around ...