Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mouth Shout

What do you expect from your living?
Really, tell me, because everybody needs something to stand by...
And you're falling apart, you don't know what to do with yourself.
That's ok, that's magnificent if you have nothing.
But when you have everything, that doesn't make any sense.
When you search for something that you don't know what it is.
It's not about the poetry of your words anymore.
It's about you, and your will to be happy.

He is not mad with anyone, it's just searching for the world he had before.
He is not dying, he is not crying, he is not smiling too.
He have nothing. Surely have.
But when your thoughts take all your mind, you overthink.
You overdrink, you oversuffer, you overthink again.
But he is not happy, not sad, not anything.
It's just waking up every morning
Trying to forget these feelings.

They are all about smile.
They are the future of humankind, future of the world
Go together, run together, stay together.
But certainly don't do anything worthwhile.
They spend all day showing themselves how amazing they are.
But they aren't that amazing.
It's all about the show. It's all about fake smiles on beautiful landscapes.
It's all about showing it's them together, but they are not one same unit.
They have mind.

I am something between the lines.
Something that thinks too much and live too little.
Someone that expect more from everyone.
Including myself. Including you.
And when I am supposed to be happy.
I spend all my time thinking on things of life.
But life is not that amazing. Life sucks.
Everyone just show them off to the world.
Without trying to learn anything from the experiences.
Without telling anybody their experiences.

A living hell world, with living tell stories.
Lets make crazy those who show out every feeling.
Lets make normal those who scream alone on their room.
The together unit its falling apart.
And we got nowhere else to run.
From ourselves.

Don't make the static no-feeling poetry rule our society.
We have stories to tell and people to see.
It's not just you. It's not just me.

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